Today, we visited TIG’s extended family in Derby for Christmas Day – take 2. A visit to the Derby clan is always guaranteed to be a laugh-a-minute and today was no exception.
After a fabulous 2-course meal we distributed our Secret Santa presents. We had a £10 limit and the TIG family had all decided to buy the same Christmas jumper for each of our recipients. Primark did good with their festive snowman jumpers priced at £9, and with £1 change we got everyone a scratchcard. As we went around the room opening our pressies the realization soon set in that 5 of the family all had the same Christmas jumper.
These photos will certainly finish the 2014 album off nicely!
Whilst the TIG family were still looking festive we brought out a present that was given to us by TIG’s brother and sister-in-law. This years must have gift – the photo booth prop kit!
At first glance it just looked like a load of Christmas cardboard cut-outs that you either wear or hold. On second glance that’s exactly what it was! I was a little unsure of how entertaining this would actually be, however, I clearly underestimated the power of a few cardboard cutouts. This has to be the most we have laughed in a long time and provided great entertainment for the whole family from ages 3-78!
And here’s the finished family portrait….
For more photos on Idea #24: Photo booth fun, visit my board on Pinterest